Whether you’re asking a new team member to view these short barista tutorials to give them a foundation understanding, or you’re viewing them to refresh your own knowledge, please do bear in mind that these are purely basic essential skills, tips and knowledge. Our normal basic Barista class lasts around 3 hours! If you have a passion to learn more then please contact us for one-on-one or group Barista training at The Caber Coffee School.
Episode 1 - Story of Coffee
In this short video, Caber Coffee takes you on an informative coffee journey from bean to brew, tracing the origins of coffee beans, Arabica and Robusta, to the 16th century and Ethiopian legend. Explore coffee production, from picking cherries and roasting beans to achieving the perfect roast and flavour. Learn about the cooling and packaging process and join our Caber Coffee School to master barista skills and the art of pouring the perfect cup.
Episode 2 - Equipment
Here Findlay from Caber Coffee explains why the grinder is essential for controlling coffee coarseness and extraction speed, ensuring freshness and consistency. He discusses key components of the espresso machine, including group handles and portafilters; how to control water and boiler pressure, and use programmable buttons to provide precise control over espresso volume and temperature.
Episode 3 - Espresso
In this barista tips video from Caber Coffee, discover how to get the best from an espresso grinder using adjustable settings to achieve the right grind. With useful tips on achieving optimal extraction, targeting 24-28 seconds for a single or double espresso with a nice crema. Key learnings include making sure water passes through grounds like beach sand - not too fast or slow - and using a calibrated tamper for consistent coffee distribution; while throughout the day, monitor and adjust grind size to maintain quality. Follow these steps to avoid over-extraction and ensure a pleasant taste.
Episode 4 - Milk
In episode 4 of Caber Coffee's barista training, learn why texturing milk is crucial for a great cappuccino. Get tips on how to avoid overheating and frothy messes by using the right milk jug. Learn how a pouring spout prevents bubbles, and how working quickly helps to maintain texture. Points to note: position the steam wand below the milk surface and listen for sound changes; while for perfect texture, bang and spin the jug, and pour into espresso for latte art or cappuccino.
Episode 5 - Drink Building
Findlay from Caber Coffee teaches how espresso is the foundation for various drinks - starting with an Americano which combines two-thirds hot water and one-third espresso. The video goes on to explain how different drinks, like cappuccinos and lattes, are created by varying the proportions of espresso, milk, and water. A cappuccino, for example, has equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam, while a latte has more steamed milk. A mocha mixes espresso, hot chocolate, and a touch of steamed milk.
Episode 6 - Cleaning
In the final barista tips video from Caber Coffee, baristas learn about the importance of cleaning coffee machines nightly to maintain coffee taste and longevity. The video covers the importance of wiping down the machine with a cloth and cleaning the steam wand, while back-flushing group heads with a diluted chemical solution removes residue and prevents damage. Findlay shows how a teaspoon of cleaning powder and repeat pressure cycles (8-12 times) can make all the difference.
This series of videos was filmed in the Summer of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and were planned to offer our customers a means of delivering basic Barista training when it was impossible due to restrictions in place at the time.