As our website says, a traditional espresso machine is, without doubt, the pinnacle of coffee making. It allows the operator (known as a Barista when fully trained) total flexibility in producing a drink crafted and tailored to the customer's request!
There is a huge choice of espresso machines out in the market and, in this week's blog, I thought you'd appreciate an insight into why we offer the range of equipment that we do and, of course, how we specify a machine that suits your needs exactly.
First and foremost we offer two ranges of machines that we market very differently.
The SanRemo range is, by far and away, the most exciting, reliable and well built selection of traditional espresso equipment that we have ever supplied. From the sexy Zoe through to the achingly wonderful Roma each and every machine is exceptionally well designed, built and constructed. SanRemo use only the highest quality components, heavy gauge steel, solid chassis construction and, of course, market leading design to develop their machines. I'm a tactile sort of person and, to me, the feel of the keypads and steam taps demonstrates just how good these machines really are. The ergonomics make the machines a joy to use.
Let's not forget that since 2009 SanRemo UK have been sole suppliers of equipment to the UK Barista Championships!
For customers looking for an entry-level espresso machine we also offer machines from the Expobar Range manufactured by Crem International. If budget is your primary consideration when selecting an espresso machine then look no further than Expobar! To compare this range to the SanRemo machines is rather unfair, these machines are built to a price and, on some models, this is apparent. They lack some of the style of SanRemo and the construction and components are certainly markedly different to a premium machine. Lifting a SanRemo Amalfi compared to an Expobar G10 really demonstrates the point - the Amalfi is considerably heavier. Even the "feel" of the keypads makes the SanRemo stand out as a quality purchase! All of the foregoing is not to say that an Expobar isn't the right machine for your needs!
Bury into the specification further (and without boring you with too much coffee geekery) and some of the elements of the machines that deliver the "Nth" degree of quality to the final espresso shot are also night & day when comparing the two. If you want to know more then just ask us about heat exchangers, group heads, boiler welds and group solenoids (see, I told you it was geeky!).
So, you know that to get a quality espresso result there are benefits to specifying a SanRemo over an Expobar, but what about the number of groups? Well, our experience is here to help! By asking the relevant questions about your business our team know exactly the model to specify for you. We bear in mind the number of covers you serve, if you have a take-away element to your business, even down to the availability of a suitable power supply - by asking the right questions we don't sell you any old espresso machine, we sell you YOUR exact espresso machine.
Finally, and most importantly, you need to know how to use your new espresso machine properly. I always say to customers that, particularly with a traditional espresso machine, it is very easy to take an exceptional coffee bean and make a poor quality result. With our in-house training we will train your staff to take our superb coffee and make a remarkable drink, a drink that will have your customers coming back again and again. This training imparts skills, passion and knowledge - three elements that assist your staff to deliver amazing coffee results. Be more than average, don't accept mediocre. Making an exceptional drink takes the same time as making a poor quality coffee, training is the difference. We take care of that!
This level of care separates us from our competitors and leaves our customer not just happy, but utterly delighted with our service.